I’m probably not the Pe teachers love good sports shirt What’s more,I will buy this most pleasant person to be around when I don’t get sleep, but it’s tough. I have no choice but to power through, because I have to show up for my son. I can’t just let him sleep and cry in his crib forever. And I have to run my company. So, I do have to power through, but something that getting back to setting the intentions is like on the days where I don’t sleep and I wake up a miserable mess, I might just have one intention for the day. And that is to get through the day and on those days that’s okay.I love this brand called Comphy sheets. They’re just very soft. I don’t even know really what material they are, but they are smooth and soft. I’m a weighted blanket person, too. There’s the science behind them; they do so much to reduce your stress. I could kind of care less about the sheet as long as I have a weighted blanket. I’ll put it at that.I love lavender. I went to a lavender farm in the San Juan Islands about two years ago or pre-pandemic and I still have the lavender I got there. Thank God. I have all of this lush lavender pillow spray. I saw it being hand-picked and I just love putting that on that on everything before going to bed.